My career goalS Are to:
1) Inspire kindness and SCIENTIFIC curiosity within OTHERS,
2) pay forward opportunities to future scientists, AND
3) PromotE diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI) within Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields.
I acknowledge the Systemic racism, gender discrimination, and other conscious and unconscious biases that are intertwined within U.S. educational systems are some of the impediments that underrepresented groups face. Throughout my career, I hope to contribute to the uplifting of underrepresented groups and to the decolonization of science.
Photo 1 (above): A Ramirez Lab undergraduate researcher, Cole Johnston, dressed as the lab mascot, a sea turtle, during the CMS Open House in October 2024 educating visitors on sea turtle age estimation.
Photo 2 (above): Jamie showed advanced high schoolers in Marine Quest's OCEANS 17 program how to image stained sea turtle humerus bones for age estimation (June 2024). Here, they are using the RMD Bio-Imaging Facility's Leica Thunder microscope.
Photo 3 (above): Jamie educated a local Girl Scout troop on sea turtle biology and conservation. She helped these 12 seventh graders achieve their sea turtle patch (2024)!
Photo 4 (above): Jamie was instrumental to the Beaufort Lions Club during the COVID-19 pandemic. She became the President in July 2020 yet kept the club meeting and serving virtually. (Photo from 2021).
Jamie learned how to build a new website in WordPress: visit it HERE. |
Currently held positions:
============================================ 2023
============================================ 2022
============================================ 2021- 2018 (post-M.S. degree)